Labour   Sofie Burgoyne  5 mins 2018  Video documentation presenting a work-in-progress performed at Tasdance Studios, Launceston in Feb 2018.     Labour  is a project that Sofie Burgoyne initiated in Tasmania, Australia with media artist Tess Camp

New Project


Sofie Burgoyne

5 mins 2018

Video documentation presenting a work-in-progress performed at Tasdance Studios, Launceston in Feb 2018.

Labour is a project that Sofie Burgoyne initiated in Tasmania, Australia with media artist Tess Campbell and dancer, Isabella Stone. Noticing an absence of documentation of female labour in the field of work, Sofie focused on every-day work practices that female identifying bodies engaged with and proposed an alternate archive. Sofie's research explores self-expression in relation to post-industrial systems of labour and how one’s body and choreography might be used as a tool for subjugation / emancipation in the field of work. The project was supported by Tasmanian dance organisation, Tasdance where Sofie was an artist, dancer and maker in residence in February 2019.
